Module: Antinuke

Configure your server’s antinuke protections

To fully protect your server, we urge you to read this whole page thoroughly

How does it work?

    The antinuke works via threshold. If the perpetrator crosses x in a certain time frame, x being the threshold you set, they will be punished. Custom punishments may be set for every trigger, in which you can ban, kick or stripstaff of the user attemping to harm your server.

    Protection Guides

      User Management Guide

      To add antinuke admins, or whitelist users, follow this guide.

      Adding an antinuke admin

        To add a user as an antinuke admin, execute the antinuke admin command

        To remove an antinuke admin, re-execute the command.

        Whitelisting a user from the antinuke

          To whitelist a user from the antinuke, execute the antinuke unwhitelist command

          To unwhitelist a user, do antinuke unwhitelist (user)

          Viewing the antinuke admins

            View the antinuke admins

            Only the server owner may use this command

            Viewing the antinuke whitelisted users

              View the antinuke whitelisted users


                You may use the following flags across the antinuke to configure each module

                NOTE: Some modules may not support the --threshold or --command parameter. However, we urge you to use the --command on flag where applicable.

                Antinuke admins

                  Only give this to trusted administrators

                  Ensure you trust your antinuke admins as a server owner, kyos will not take action on them.

                  Antinuke admins may do the following:

                  1. Edit thresholds
                  2. Configure triggers (such as disabling massban protection)
                  3. Hardban users (visit help hardban)
                  4. View your antinuke Configuration
                  5. Whitelist users from the antinuke (resulting in kyos not taking action against them)

                  They may not do the following:

                  1. Disable or enable your antinuke
                  2. Add other antinuke admins
                  3. View the antinuke admins