Module: Levelling

Reward your members for being active in your server.

Getting Started

For a first time setup, you must execute the levels on command for kyos to start tracking xp. After this, you can continue with the rest of this guide and customise the levelling system to your liking.

Ignoring channels and roles

Ideally, you should ignore channels you do not want kyos to give XP gain in, to do this use the following command

To no longer ignore a channel, simply re-run the command.

,levels ignore (channel)

Customizing level-up messages

You may customise the level up message for your member level ups.

You must include the {old.level} or {new.level} variable in your message!
,levels message (text)

Set the level-up message location

To set the destination of level-up messages, use the following command.

The default destination is the context channel

,levels messagemode (dms, channel, off, or current)

Changing a member’s level

You may give/remove XP, or force set a member’s level.

These commands require the administrator permission!

,setlevel (member) (level)
,setxp (member) (xp)

Changing the XP gain multiplier

You may change the rate at which XP is given.

,levels setrate (multiplier)